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Making a claim on your policy

Sometimes the unexpected happens on (or just before) your holiday. Your policy with Travel Insurance Saver is there to protect you and your finances. And we are here to make everything straightforward if you need to make a claim. As a policyholder you have 24/7 access to an online claims service. Please ensure you read your Policy Wording, which includes details of the supporting documentation you will need to provide when making a claim.

Medical claims

If you are abroad and need urgent help please contact the Emergency Medical Assistance Service.

If you need medical help abroad - but it's not an emergency - you can speak to a UK qualified GP via the Doctor Please! service. This gives you access to remote medical consultation, medical advice and treatment options with English speaking doctors over the phone or through the dedicated mobile app. Please refer to your Policy Schedule for details how to access the service.

For non-emergency medical treatment and all other claims, you should register your claim online or telephone the Customer Helpline on the number below.

+44 (0) 1737 334 734

Claims & Medical Assistance Services are provided by Inter Partner Assistance S.A. Part of the AXA Group.

Gadget claims

To claim under the phone and gadget section of your policy please log your claim online at

Alternatively, you can contact the Claims Administrator on 01865 745 566 (Lines are open between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday) or by emailing as soon as possible but ideally within 48 hours of your return to the UK.